Hey Everyone!
I hope this message is finding you all well. December is here and winter is slowly but surely creeping in. It's cold, beautiful, and everything in between when that fresh snow comes down. It's extra nice knowing that I'm on the other end of NaNoWriMo 2023.
It was an interesting November. I hit my goal of 50k words in a single month, despite excusable roadblocks that could have impeded my path. Thanks to the lovely support of my wife and the numerous procrastinations towards my other hobbies, the goal was realized and I wrote the desired 50k.
I had never written 50k words before. And these were all new words. New short stories or chapters in Harsh Soil. And it was an interesting experience. It all came and went so fast, a part of me can't believe November is over and we're in December, but here we are.
On the other end of that unexpectedly hard quest, I finished Harsh Soil Draft 1 and 2 short stories in the pursuit and realization of that 50k. And in addition to that, I finally finished Gloradel draft 3.0!
It's been a busy month where a lot of things finally came to a nice head. I've been reflecting a lot this month and wanted to share five things I learned from NaNoWriMo and from completing my latest draft. I'm still reflecting on them and have several other things I still need to learn, but these are the lessons that come to mind as I sit here and clatter away on these keys. Please find them below:
5 Things I've learned from NaNoWriMo:
I can write more than I thought I was possible (both monthly and daily).
Words for the sake of words aren't worth it.
Having a more fleshed out plan is critical (for me) when it comes to hitting the 50k.
This was a race against myself and not others. Nothing positive comes from comparing myself to other's progress.
It's good to push beyond your limits to see what you're capable of. Sometimes that's the only way to grow.
5 Things I've learned from finishing Gloradel Draft 3
I've developed a revised editing structure for future books
I have to trust myself and my writing
Know the rules (of grammar and style) before I break them. Only break rules with intention.
Don't write a chapter longer than 20 pages (rule for me)
There's no way to know what's publishable. Do your best and move forward with that.
Ultimately, it's a surreal feeling to complete these two major tasks. And it's weird trying to go from one completed task to a whole new blank canvas in the White Rose edits and the plotting of my fifth book. However, that's the journey.
And as long as I keep chipping away, I'll get to where I'm going.
Anyways, that's all I've got for today. Thank you all for your time and I hope you have a great day!
Also Happy Holidays!!!
Josh Acocella