
Josh Acocella
Gloradel was a metropolis that served as a beacon of hope for a golden age of innovation and cultural enlightenment. It was a sterling jewel amidst a burgeoning landscape of growing city-states ruled by a magical order of knights beholden to honor, justice, and the advancement of mankind before all things. Thirty years after its collapse, it is a ruin. An unoccupied city whose territories are ruled by a combination of six ruthless warlords and wandering packs of undead.
Jenna of Gloradel, Hunter of the Ghouls, and Samson the wanderer would have been the heroes of their world, staunch moral exemplars of how to live and do it well, had their culture survived. But each and every one of them had the misfortune of being born after the city’s fall. Now, Jenna is a dreamer. A woman raised in the forgotten ways of a lost order who wants to liberate the great, fallen city. Hunter is a killer and close personal friend of Jenna. He’s the leader of a renowned mercenary band with a penchant for impossible jobs. And Samson is a monster hunter, an abandoned child who goes from contract to contract, aimlessly wandering in a world without purpose.
When the path to Gloradel opens up for the first time in over thirty years, the three of them are thrown into a wave of complex jobs, assassinations, and divine encounters. The thin strands of order holding their remnant society up begin to snap, one by one, until all three of them are confronted with the most important question of their lives. When given the opportunity to save the world, to hoist the burden of those around them on their shoulders, will they repeat the sins of their predecessors and flee? Or will they stand and lead what little that’s left of their world into a new age?
Progress Report:
Draft 1: Complete
Draft 2: Complete
Draft 3-7: 100.0% Complete
Status: Unpublished
White Rose of Ganymede Station

Josh Acocella
White Rose of
Ganymede Station
Synopsis: Benjamin Maru is the son of the man who invented the teleporter, the smartest man who ever lived. A man who was never home as he reinvented the world.
Now, as an adult, Ben's the listless scion of one of the largest conglomerates in the world. But as his world is changed, as he has to choose between an olive branch and shaping the worlds or truly being free, a fateful encounter with a rogue group of space pirates fighting a war that never truly ended, sets the stage for Ben's life, his relationship with his father, and a small rebellion against the immutable power of a corporate hegemony to never be the same again.
Progress Report:
Draft 1: Complete
Draft 2: 0%
Will begin as soon as Gloradel Draft 3 is complete​
Status: Unpublished
Wolf's Howl

Josh Acocella
Wolf's Howl
Synopsis: Dusty and Annie got out, free and clear. After making a name for themselves rebelling against the Temian Republic, fighting the good fight, for themselves, freedom, and a ton of stolen gold, they managed to retire early and carve a life out for themselves in borderlands, far away from where any marshal would be looking for them by the ripe old age of 24.
But after a raid by werewolves and a rogue attack that irrevocably changed both of their lives forevermore, they are set on the dark path of vengeance. In the name of revenge, in the name of remembering the memory of what once was, they both travel down a road far bloodier and far darker than either of them could have ever imagined.
Progress Report:
Draft 1: Complete
Draft 2: Not yet started
Status: Unpublished