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Showing Up

Updated: Oct 30, 2022

It's weird.

The thought that improving yourself, working towards building a skill, is difficult. But it is.

I've been re-reading the War of Art by Steven Pressfield and he calls it resistance. I can believe it.

I know that, more than anything, I'd like to be a writer, but the resistance, the lure, the temptation of distraction and procrastination lingers. It's an interesting thing, to be aware of your own procrastination while you're in the act of procrastinating.

This blog post alone has taken me an entire month plus five days to show up and write (and like 99% of that time was spent solely on mustering the discipline to show up). I'm even a day late from when I'm supposed to write these things, but I'm still here, doing it and no longer letting my inability to do this before stop me from doing this now. And I suppose that's all we can do. Show up now, in the moment, and make what change we can.

Because the moment is all we have.

Anyways, I think I may have figured out a way to proceed with my editing, but we shall see. It's difficult but rewarding once the task is done.


Josh Acocella

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