Little things that happen by chance. Things lining up as if from thin air. Apparitions. Random accidents. Fortune. Luck.
Who knows how much of it is real, how much of it is random, and how much of it is preordained, but it is interesting.
Take my previous blog post. The thinking through of how I feel when I do my best, how good it feels when I'm giving this dream my all versus how bad I feel when I know I'm slacking from my duty, my goal, and my dream of being a writer.
The next day after I wrote the first draft of that post, I had finally tuned in to watch Steven Pressfield's latest appearance on Rogan. As noted in my earlier posts, I'm a big fan of his book The War on Art and his musings on, well, the muse.
And sure enough, in that very podcast he talks about the very feeling I'm working through when it comes to whether or not I truly am giving this dream, this effort to improve both myself and my writing, my all. And it both reassured me and gave me exactly what I needed in that moment to keep moving forward.
In that podcast, Pressfield stated that hard work towards any creative endeavor, if you pursue it honestly, will result in the muse rewarding you in some way. And if you don't, well, that's the life embedded within the den of resistance. And whether the muse is some divine being or some Jungian archetype embedded within all of us who embark on any creative journey, it is fascinating and relieving to know that this isn't something unique to me. It's a universal human experience.
But what was most interesting to me about it is that the discussion on the muse was exactly what I needed in that moment. And maybe that's the result of putting myself on the path. Maybe it was God. Or maybe it was a random accident. But no matter what it was, it was a moment in time that would have meant nothing to me had I not embarked on this journey.
When anyone goes down any path, the more time they spend on it, the more chances there are for us to find opportunities related to that journey. Maybe it starts as an unknown for all of us, but as we pass and defeat the threshold guardians of our lives, as we delve deeper into the depths of this journey, maybe serendipitous encounters are the rewards of the muse, or maybe they're just the results of our hard work putting ourselves in the right place in the right time.
Ultimately, who knows. I know I definitely don't. But even though I can get in my own head, I'm going to enjoy the small, serendipitous moments, use them as fuel on this journey, and keep moving forward.
I feel like that's all any of us can do.
Anyways, that's all I got for today, and I hope you all have a great day and Happy 4th of July!
Josh Acocella