So I read the War of Art by Steven Pressfield this month.
In it he talks about the idea of resistance. This intangible force that keeps us from our true callings, our realizations of self, and instead of propelling us towards a brighter future, it keeps us mired in the mud of intangible dreams and dreary reality.
It's interesting because I feel the resistance before I write. I find it in the soft subtle whispers that come when I don't feel like showing up, or editing, or working out, or any of the other myriad of things that can improve my life but require the tried-and-true method of putting in the work.
And sometimes the resistance wins.
But other times, through discipline and grit, through taking it a step at a time, there's a wonder to overcoming the resistance. That feeling when all the tasks for the day are completed and you're on the other end of a day's hard work is impossible to describe. It just feels good. So going into this next week, let's try and remember that. That no matter how we feel when starting the task, no matter how daunting or hard it may seem on the front end, on the back end, once it's all complete and we get to rest easy knowing that today we overcame our resistance, we get to experience one of the best feelings in the world.
Anyways that's all I've got for this post. Hope all's well with you and that you have a great next two weeks.
Josh Acocella