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Invisible Hardship

It's always easy to think that people have hard times going on in their lives and to think that you never know what goes on with people behind closed doors. It's another thing entirely to be the one going through those hard times and to be on the other end of that closed door.

This last week was certainly rough, but one interesting thing about it was that, due to the private nature of the incident, I still had to work. I still had to perform publicly, and I had to keep on keeping on with a world that was (mostly) none the wiser to my private struggle.

Now before whoever is reading this gets worried, I'm okay and I will be okay. It'll all work out in the end, and I'm fortunate enough to have people that I can weather this storm with and bounce back from. However, one of the fundamental lessons of this whole thing, a thought I'm taking away from over the course of this last week, is that people can be so caught up in their own stuff that the struggles and lives of others becomes some ancillary thing. Not major, not minor, just other.

It's interesting, to be in pain and realize that it can be wholly internal and unrecognizable to the outside world. It's fascinating to realize that if my struggles can be invisible, there can be a whole world of people out there who have to face hardships, weather the storms, and then live in the world all the same.

It sucks. It's illuminating. And hopefully going through this is something that'll help me not only be a better writer, but a better person as well.

Aside from the above, I watched the One Piece adaptation on Netflix and it was fantastic. It actually made me cry a couple times, but a lot of that was due to watching characters I've come to love for so long be depicted on the screen (what can I say, I read the manga, not watch the anime). Honestly, if it's not already, I think it's official in that I like One Piece more than Star Wars. It's close, but there's no stopping the Straw Hat Crew.

I've also finally dipped my toes into Fallout 3 and have been enjoying that quite a bit. The world depicted within the wasteland is one of my favorites of recent memory and it's wild to play a game that's 15 years old and enjoy it as much as games that come out this year. Yeah, the graphics are a bit dated, but the story is as timeless as ever.

Anyways, that's all I got for today and I hope you all have a great Labor Day weekend!


Josh Acocella

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