I wasn't entirely sure what this blog post was going to be about. It also doesn't help that I fell asleep writing it last night. Now it's the morning and I'm drafting this bad boy up.
It's weird, writing a blog and not advertising for it. Twice a month I'll post an update. Provide some info, and then return to the grind.
I hope that one day I get to the level where people will be so interested in my writing that this will tide them over when they're between releases, but if I want to get there, I have to put in the work.
It's funny how much of the monthly to-do's can rely on how the month starts. I've noticed that I got to run out of the gates at top speed. Do as much as I can to build a solid base. Because if I don't, then I'll be playing catch up for the rest of the month.
I've had a strong-ish start to this month. And a lot of time, I can tell how I'm doing by the 15th in regards to whether I need to step it up or slow it down. However, each month is different. Different things come up and various obligations arise along the way. Recently, I've been battling the feeling that I'm moving too slow. That I need to pick up my pace and be more disciplined.
But yeah, it's surreal writing these things. And I'm always tempted to delete all my social media, but no matter what, whenever I entertain these notions, the honest truth of it is that I believe I'll become a published author.
Doing this blog also, in some small way helps too. It's a less dramatic version of Cortez burning the boats behind him. I think that once I become a published author this will be a cool feature. A backlog of content for my readers to get to know me and a platform in which I can advertise and discuss my writer's journey. That's why I do the To-do's and post them every day. For when I climb that summit that is a published novel, whether in one year or five years, I can look back and show the world the journey that it took me, failure and successes all bundled together.
Discipline and time are the battlefields upon which I stand. Even if I'm just shouting into a void now, if I maintain a constant level of discipline towards my goal over a long enough time span, I'll get to where I'm going.
Additionally, there's a peace that comes in the acceptance that I'm a writer already. The rest of it is just insecurity and fear.
Anyways, that's all I got for today. Thank you all for your time and I hope you have a great rest of your day!
Josh Acocella