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Four and a Half Years In

It's weird, writing a blog that no one's reading now. I feel like I'm shouting into the dark. Proclaiming my opinions and thoughts on things as I'm experiencing them. But anyone who reads this will encounter this: days, weeks, months, or even years after this post is published.

What will I be like then? Who will my readers be? Are thoughts like this even worth it if the goal is to focus on the now? The task at hand?

The purpose of all this blogging is to have an online body of work. A wealth of things for people to enjoy once I have published pieces out there in the wild. Short blogs for people to read in order to get a sense to know me. Or at least as well as someone can know me from my miscellaneous ramblings.

I don't know how long it'll be until I get published. The metric that's stuck with me is ten years. Ten years, a million words. That's the goal I've set for myself before I reevaluate what I'm doing here. So far, I'm a little over 4.5 years in and have written around 350,000 first draft words.

I can write blogs for 5.5 more years without a book published, without that ten-year overnight success, if I'm ever lucky enough to get there. And ultimately, that's alright.

I've found a peace in waking up in the morning to write my 1000 words. Although it can be frustrating at times, there's a sense of internal reward and some sort of dopamine release each time I finish an editing task. There are little things along the way that if I stop and smell the roses, I'll find that I actually enjoy the journey. I want to learn the craft of writing and use it to tell stories that are real to me.

I think that's the most important thing, because ultimately the person who enjoys walking will walk further than someone who's just doing it to get somewhere.

And as long as I keep showing up, as long as I keep moving forward with a goal in mind, I'll keep writing these posts.

Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day!


Josh Acocella

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